For this particular blog in this class (COMM7970, Social Media), I am asked to blog about blogs. No really. Though a pessimist when it comes to the craft of blogging, I would like to know about them (and so would Dr. Waters in this blog).According to Word Press, almost every blog can roughly be categorized into nine types of blogs:
1. Personal
2. Business
3. Schools
4. Non-Profits
5. Politics
6. Military
7. Private
8. Sports
9. How-to, tips and reviews
I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in English and am currently working on my Master’s in Secondary English/Language Arts Education, yet oddly enough, I must push myself to find anything about blogs to list under my “pros” category. Though I do see the benefit in writing and expressing one’s thoughts and opinions, there is no authority behind it. While someone may have the most passion and devotion, for example, for sports, who are they to give me any information on the subject? Do they play a professional sport? Probably not. Do they work for a sports museum? Probably not, again. Odds are, they happen to simply love the particular sport and want more people to know about it. So what makes them an authority on the subject and that I should trust the information? Next to nothing.
Blogs, however, can be a great way to express opinions and feelings… with anyone on the globe with an Internet connection. I, personally, don’t really have anything I really need to say to that many people, except for maybe: WAR EAGLE!!
For maybe a different, more optimistic view on blogs, check out some of my classmates’ blogs:
Ben: The Most Popular Guy You've Never Heard Of
Kate: Awesome Thoughts
Shanna: Practically Creative
Hey Kelly! Thanks for linking to my page, because (unsurprisingly) I do have a more positive outlook on blogs. But I also understand your concern that the information shared on blogs is probably not shared by an authority on the subject. I even talked about this as one of my concerns about blogging: knowing what information can be trusted and what information is simply someone's uneducated opinion. I also agree that I don't really have anything that I desperately want to say to the whole world. On the other hand, I do think blogging can open channels of communication with new people (if what you have to say is interesting enough to gain those people's attention). I guess I can see the positive and negative side to blogging, but I think we as consumers of information have to be careful what sources we trust and what sources we doubt.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I like the cartoon!
Hey friend! Thanks for linking to my blog as well, because I have a more positive view of blogs, much like Kate. I can see why you would get frustrated with people who don't have any authority being given what essentially amounts to a megaphone. The cartoon at the start of your blog expresses it perfectly (btw, I love the cartoon, and wherever did you find it?). Perhaps it is just me, but as much as I enjoy writing creatively and how I am (almost) never lacking an opinion, my positive outlook on blogs could be attributed to those characteristics. Keep on truckin'!
I hear you, Kelly. Honestly, I have never quite understood the purpose of blogs either and never spent anytime reading, writing or even thinking about them before this class. I will admit, however, that I am beginning to find them pretty interesting (some of them anyway), especially how you can find blogs about pretty much anything (like people's favorite cat names!) by just linking to blogs on friend's pages, or friends of friends pages. You get the point!
ReplyDeleteKelly, your entries are very simplistic, but that is exactly what I like about them....is your investigative prose in trying this new blog type of narrative writing. It is refreshing to read. I really like the comic. I must admit as a dog person that made me laugh. I would love to see what you think about my random ramblings on my blog as well. Keep rolling.
ReplyDeleteJames L. Cartee